12:00 pm
30th Anniversary & New Year's Day Open House
30th Anniversary & New Year's Day Open House
10:15 am
Know Your Machine
Know Your Machine
1:00 pm
My Happy Place Embroidery Block of the Month Program - Sundays
My Happy Place Embroidery Block of the Month Program - Sundays
10:15 am
Make It Monday
Make It Monday
10:15 am
BERNINA Mastery - 2 & 3 Series & older (10:15 am to 12:45 pm)
BERNINA Mastery - 2 & 3 Series & older (10:15 am to 12:45 pm)
1:30 pm
My Happy Place Embroidery Block of the Month Program - Wednesdays
My Happy Place Embroidery Block of the Month Program - Wednesdays
10:15 am
Free Motion Quilting w/a BSR
Free Motion Quilting w/a BSR
10:15 am
BERNINA Mastery - B990 Sewing
BERNINA Mastery - B990 Sewing
10:15 am
BERNINA Mastery - Trade-In Machines- Sewing
BERNINA Mastery - Trade-In Machines- Sewing
1:15 pm
BERNINA Mastery - Trade-In Machines- Embroidery
BERNINA Mastery - Trade-In Machines- Embroidery
10:15 am
Make It Monday
Make It Monday
10:15 am
BERNINA Mastery - 4 & 5 Series and bernette 77 & 79 (10:15 am- 2:00 pm)
BERNINA Mastery - 4 & 5 Series and bernette 77 & 79 (10:15 am- 2:00 pm)
10:15 am
Beginning Quilt Making
Beginning Quilt Making
10:15 am
Quilt with Rulers
Quilt with Rulers
10:15 am
Beginning Quilt Making - Saturdays
Beginning Quilt Making - Saturdays
10:15 am
Make It Monday
Make It Monday
10:15 am
bernette Serger Mastery b44, b48, b64, b68
bernette Serger Mastery b44, b48, b64, b68
1:30 pm
bernette Mastery b68, b62, b48, b42
bernette Mastery b68, b62, b48, b42
10:15 am
BERNINA Mastery - 7 & 8 Series (10:15 am to 4:00 pm)
BERNINA Mastery - 7 & 8 Series (10:15 am to 4:00 pm)
10:15 am
Beginning Quilt Making
Beginning Quilt Making
10:15 am
BERNINA Mastery - B990 Embroidery
BERNINA Mastery - B990 Embroidery
10:15 am
Beginning Quilt Making - Saturdays
Beginning Quilt Making - Saturdays
1:00 pm
Improving Your Piecing Skills
Improving Your Piecing Skills
10:15 am
Make It Monday
Make It Monday
10:15 am
BERNINA Mastery - Embroidery
BERNINA Mastery - Embroidery
10:15 am
Beginning Quilt Making
Beginning Quilt Making
10:15 am
Creating with AccuQuilt
Creating with AccuQuilt